index>U-Mart for Education
U-Mart for Education
Use of U-Mart for engineering education
◆ Tokyo University 
Program for Social Innovation, Department of System Innovation School of Engineering
◆ Tokushima University
The department of Information Science & Intelligent Systems Faculty of Engineering,
| Agent-based simulation exercise
Mainly used for programming of software agents
It can be widely used regardless of the skill levels of the students
- Exercise to express one’s own strategy in calculator code
- Application of intelligent technique for price forecasting
- Application of intelligent technique for NN or GA
- Providing open-ended tasks
Use of U-Mart for economics education
◆ Kyoto University 
Economic Analysis Division, Graduate School of Economics / Faculty of Economics
◆ Osaka City University
Faculty of Economics
◆ University of Tsukuba
Graduate School of Systems Management
◆ Chuo University
Department of Industrial and Systems, Commerce Department
◆Osaka Sangyo University
- In the class, students mainly do market simulations using human agents
- Understanding the exponential futures market
- Introducing methodologies including agent simulation gaming
- Individual trade experience and realization of market creation through trading cycles
U-Mart Summer School
August 3 to 7, 2005 (5days)
◆ Place: Campus Plaza Kyoto
September 13 to 17, 2004 (5 days)
◆ Lecturers: 10 Attendees: 17 (from 8 universities)
◆ Place: Future University - Hakodate
July 31 to August 4, 2003 (5 days)
◆ Lecturers: 6 TA: 4 Attendees: 13 (from 7 universities and 1 corporation)
◆ Place: Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University
July 26 to 30, 2002 (5 days)
◆ Lecturers: 7 Attendees: 20 (from 10 universities and 1 research institute)
◆ Place: Suzukakedai Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Design of large-scale system
- Thread/network programming
- Purpose of U-Mart Summer School
- Explain techniques for developing highly reliable software
- Explain modeling technique, network programming, and parallel programming
- Learn system programming for ABM by mainly doing practical exercise