The Process of Open Experiments
[PreU-Mart2000] [Agent type]:Machine [Conditions] : 15(Session interval: seconds) * 4 (# Sessions) * 60 (# of days) [Description] :Held to see if the whole U-Mart System would work correctly. |
[U-Mart2001] [Agent types] : Machine and Human [Conditions] : 15(Session interval: seconds) * 4 (# Sessions) * 60 [Description] : First full-scale open experiment. Participating machine agents gathered and conducted several experiments prior to U-Mart 2001 to collect data for the final evaluation. |

Domestic open experiment Only human agents participate. (Each participant conducts the experiment only one time during the session.) |
International open experiment Only machine agents participate. (Comprehensive evaluation method based on Pareto-ranking concept is used.) |
[U-Mart2002] [U-Mart2003] [参加形態]:マシン・エージェント&ヒューマン・エージェント [設定]:板寄間隔30秒×板寄回数2回×20日 板寄間隔1秒×板寄回数90回×20日 [特色]:ルールを変更しセッション間の時間間隔や、一日のセッション回数を2種類用意した。インターネットを利用して初めての2地点実施をした。 |
[UMIE2002] [UMIE2003] [UMIE2004] |
- Initial Amount of Cash : 1,000,000,000 yen
- Trading unit : Multiplying contract index by 1000 = contract amount
- Margin rate : 300,000 yen per trade
- Fee: None (0 yen)
- Lone limit : 30,000,000 yen
- Interest rate of loan : 10%
- Trading period: 30 or 24 (virtual)
- # Sessions per day: 8・times
- Session interval: 10 seconds
- Time series data: Distribution kit J30 (experimental data is not released until the experiment starts)
−Human agents and machine agents trade in the same market. - Use of graphical user interface (GUI)
- Strategic machine agents participate. Participants bring their own PCs.
- Coalition and discussion with team members are allowed. Both personal and team performances are evaluated.
【Market rules】
- Trading period: 60
- # Sessions per day: 4・times
- Session interval: 0
Each agent is scored and ranked total 125 times, with 5 types of experiments (Ex1, Ex2-1, Ex2-2, Ex2-3, Ex3).
−Experiments with different agents compositions.
−4 types of time series for spot prices(up, down, reverse, oscillate) are used.
−Conduct experiment under various market conditions.
上昇系列 | 下降系列 | 反転系列 | 振動系列 | |
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- EX1)各応募エージェント1匹+標準エージェントセット20個体
- EX2)全応募エージェント+標準エージェントセット20個体
- EX3)予選通過エージェント+標準エージェントセットからランダムに半分選択
【Evaluation method】
- [Comprehensive ranking] : Rank based on the following four criteria and using Pareto-ranking concept.
- [Maximum gain] : Evaluate based on the maximum gain amount throughout the session.
- [Average gain] : Evaluate based on the average gain amount throughout the session.
- [Profit count] : Number of experiments finished in the black throughout the session.
- [Bankruptcy count] : Number of experiments terminated by bankruptcy throughout the session.
【Experiment procedure】
Pattern 1 (for EX1, EX2, EX2-2, EX2-3)
- Initialization --> Repeat same sequence 50 times
- Repeat 4 patterns (up, down, reverse, oscillate) total 200 times
- Evaluate each sequence and total of all the sequences (for 5 types)
- Rules of real-time experiment (when human and machine agents coexist in the market)
- Rules of acceleration experiment (when only machine agents exist)
- a) 全エージェント(参加エージェント+標準エージェントセット)からランダムに半分のエージェントを取り出す
- b) 4種類の時系列からランダムに一つ選び出し実験する。
- 上記 a), b) を1000回繰り返す。